5 events found.
Embracing Our Differences Private Guided Tour of the 20th Annual Art Exhibit
Bayfront Park 5 Bayfront Dr, Sarasota, Florida, United StatesWe will meet at the Ringing Blvd entrance to Bayfront Park by O'Leary'sTiki Bar and Grill. Husbands and friends are welcome to join in.Admission is FREE, but please RSVP by January 19th [email protected] so we know how many to expect
Leadership Meeting
TLC Grande Clubhouse - Billiard Room 15804 Clearlake Ave, Lakewood Ranch, Florida, United StatesZoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81197767758?pwd=Z2NXVFl0Qzl0L21YTHRTMS91TGtlUT09
Pop Up Drive to Support Solve Maternity
The Lake Club Women's Giving Circle’s Outreach Committee is hosting a Short Pop-Up drive over the next 14 days to support a local, not-for-profit, Solve Maternity. This organization has requested help stocking their homes with linens in effort to support local expectant mothers. Solve Maternity is a not-for-profit organization that is a resource to pregnant […]