Core Values
Giving circles, at their core, are about empowering everyone to get engaged, give, connect with their local community, and make a difference. Our stated core values of The Lake Club Women’s Giving Circle are Integrity, Service, Teamwork, Compassion, and Diversity. These values have been identified over time as the key factors in long term success and sustainability of the giving circle. We believe these values are present in every member of the circle and are the foundation of our philosophy, culture and best practices.

We are trustworthy. We are reliable, authentic, and loyal. We do what we say we will do. We have the courage to do the right thing. We welcome accountability and conduct our business with honesty and transparency.
We choose to serve first, embracing our roles as servant leaders in our organization and our community. Service is a force that motivates every member of our organization. We are committed to serving those we lead as well as those we follow. In the spirit of service, we freely give of our time, energy, and resources.

We work as a team of like-minded women, achieving more collectively in our community than individually. We are a cohesive unit setting aside our personal agendas and working toward our shared mission. We are committed to creating synergy by encouraging each other and working collaboratively.
We show sensitivity towards the feelings of others and our impact on them through all our efforts and interactions. We listen so that we stay aware of the suffering and needs of others and then take action to help provide relief. We look for ways to include others in our organization and in our efforts. We show kindness and understanding and are altruistic. We have respect for others for who they are and what they have to offer, striving to see things from wider perspectives than our own.

We choose to foster a diverse environment. It is essential for us to respect and appreciate differences in ethnicity, gender, age, physical abilities, sexual orientation, education and religion amongst individuals. As a diverse organization, we possess a variety of skills, qualifications, culture and values that come together as one all the while nurturing broad-minded women that work more effectively, inspire others and achieve greater results that benefit the entire organization.