We know that group philanthropy begins with educated members who understand the needs of their community. Together, our giving circle brings an intimate knowledge about the causes that need attention in our area. This helps us make a real difference for the organizations and programs we support. Since the formation of The Lakes Club Women’s Giving Circle, we have presented grants to the following organizations:

Annual Grant Recipients

2023 Grant Recipients – Total Grants $32,000
Children’s Home Society of Florida
(Manatee Elementary Uniform Closest)
Hope Family Services$2,500
Mothers Helping Mothers$3,000
DD’s Miracle Minis$2,000
Still Point Mission$2,500
Habitat for Humanity Sarasota$1,400
Foster The Family Florida$1,500
Manatee Children’s Services$1,500
Safe Children Coalition$3,500
Foundation for Dreams$1,000
School Attendance Support$2,000
Healthy Teens, Inc$1,100
Teen Court of Sarasota$3,000
The Twig$2,000
Empath Tidewell Hospice (Blue Butterfly Family Grief Program)$3,000
2022 Grant Recipients – Total Grants $42,630 plus Matching Funds of $39,330 for a Total Impact of $65,660
Manatee Children’s Services$ 100$ 100
Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center$ 2,100$ 600
The Twig$ 2,100$ 600
Manatee Co. Habitat for Humanity$ 100$ 100
Feeding Empty Little Tummies$ 2,100$ 600
Hope Family Services$ 2,100$ 600
Still Point Mission$ 100$ 100
Josh Provides$ 100$ 100
Manatee Legal Aid$ 100$ 100
Take Stock in Children$ 100$ 100
We Care Manatee$ 1,100$ 600
Beyond the Spectrum$ 100
Mother’s Helping Mothers$ 2,100$ 600
Streets of Paradise$ 2,000$ 500
Blue Butterfly Tidewell Hospice$ 2,000$ 500
School Attendance Support, Inc$ 2,000
Manatee Community Foundation Hurricane Relief Fund$ 3,500$ 3,500
Food Bank of Manatee$ 17,530$ 17,530
2021 Grant Recipients – Total Grants $11,500 plus Matching Funds of $3,000 for a Total Impact of $14,500
Feeding Empty Little Tummies$ 2,000$ 500
Still Point Mission$ 2,000$ 500
We Care Manatee $ 1,500$ 500
Take Stock In Children$ 2,500$ 500
Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center$ 1,500$ 500
The Twig$ 2,000$ 500
2019 Grant Recipients – Total Grants $6,800
Boys and Girls Club$ 1,700
Hope Family Services$ 1,700
Take Stock in Children$ 1,700
Two Steps Further$ 1,700

Organizations We Are Proud to Have Supported: